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Monday, September 26, 2011


We've all heard that one haven't we... Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?  No, not an ad for the dairy farmers association.  Sometimes I think that should be plastered over the mirror in the ladies room of every bar in town.  How funny would that be?! 

And I'm not just talking about the young ladies here either. I've seen women in their 50s and 60s go out dressed like they bought their clothes in the junior department at JC Penneys. Really? Your daughter let you out dressed like that? Wow.  Next time, may I suggest a MIRROR in your closet!

Maybe someone should invent a scanner like the ones used by the airport security only this one alerts for a fashion crime over the age of 45.  I mean, think about it.  People (especially women) wanna throw fits about privacy invasion of what the scanners see but apparently when they got dressed to go out tonight, their good bra was in the wash because it's definitely not on them. Go figure.

One time I watched a group of four 'life experienced' women (ok, ok, they were in their 50s) out for what was obviously a rare experience - girls night out. I say obviously because 2 of them were wearing more make up than you'd find on the set of Sex and the City and at least one of them had on enough perfume to use as air freshener.  But they were out for a good time.... Mission Accomplished.  It didn't take long for a couple of guys to pick up on them. (Funny how guys can always spot the newbies).  I watched as the alcohol and lines flowed. Then it happened... SMACK! Apparently one of the guys got a little fresh so he got slapped. 

All I can say is, if you don't want to give the milk away for free, your  container not be so see-through!

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