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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut...

Well, I think I may have found out what the problem with my dating life is... I'M ALLERGIC TO NUTS!  Yep, that's it. I'm allergic and that seems to be pretty much what I draw - the NUTS! You know how it is - you stub your little toe and next thing you know you're walking into everything; you rip a nail off into the quick and you're catching that finger on anything.  Well, same principal applies here.  I'm allergic to nuts and they seem to grow all around me.  

Now, don't get me wrong here, it's not like I'm asking for a guy with no nuts - I just want a guy who ISN'T nuts.  (Just thought I'd better make that clear).  And some days, it's like I'm standing in a Georgia peanut field with nothing but nuts as far as the eye can see.  

Now, I know we all bring baggage into a relationship but I'd rather find someone who doesn't resemble a door-to-door salesman for Sampsonite!  Is it too much to ask to find someone who's stable, educated, funny and most importantly - not married?! But I guess if they were stable, educated and funny, they wouldn't be single would they? Course not. 

And today, another one's officially off the market.  A dear friend of mine and his lovely fiance are tying the knot this evening and I applaud them. Lightnin' Jesse... good luck and best wishes... And, Beth, you're getting a great guy.   My dear readers, this is one union that'll last I'd be willing to bet.  You see, they both like to shoot! 

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