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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'll Call You a WHAmbulance

Today, I must vent about a pet peeve of mine - (yes another one) - men who are more feminine than me.  I know, I know 'there's someone for everyone' and different people are attracted to different types.  For me, I really do prefer someone who has a firmer handshake than mine.  I've been out with men who don't and the two things they have in common are a) they turn out to be men who whine, and b) are more emotional than an Oprah Winfrey audience.  And that's not for me.

When it comes to the whining, I don't allow my children to do it so I'm surely not going to handle it well from a full grown man.  Now, I know we've all done it, including myself, even at times in our adult life.  But when it comes from a guy, at the first peep of it, I start looking for the fire exit.  Occasionally, though, there's been someone that I really do like and I have to then decide if that's enough to send them packing. Short answer ultimately is YES. So if we're talking on the phone and I hear whining on your end, it better be coming from your dog wanting to be let outside.

As for the wearing the emotions on the sleeve, don't get me wrong here.  I believe men who are in touch with their feelings are usually more considerate of ours and we certainly like that.  But as with anything, too much of a good thing is bad.  While I appreciate the fact that you're secure enough in yourself to tell me that you've spent the day thinking about us, wanting to be together, missing me, etc., after about the 20th time for the day third day in a row, it starts sounding like a daytime soap opera.  Like putting too much sugar in your coffee; it'll give you a boost but it'll also give you a cavity. 

Long story short, we don't mind hearing about your bad day, your jerky boss and the moron who cut you off in traffic; we've all experienced all of the above.  But if I feel the urge more than twice a week to tell you to 'grow a pair', odds are we're not a pair.  So, if you're going to whine, I'm going to call the WHAmbulance.

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