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Monday, October 3, 2011


I don't know why it is I keep going after the catch of the day and come back with a big mouth bass instead! It's like every time I cast the only thing that ends up in my hand is the empty hook - literally!  I mean, seriously, do guys think we're really so dumb we can't see through them like a bay window? Yes, folks, today I'm high atop my soap box... AGAIN.

Here's an example for you.  You meet someone who believes he's a great catch (gotta start somewhere). You start dating and you start to think 'maybe he is a great catch'. Thing to remember here is - he's admitted he can't understand why he keeps getting released. Then it happens. In one fateful evening you realize why it is he DOES keep getting released.  He has more hangups than a telemarketer calling at dinnertime.  Then just when you think it can't get any more ridiculous he offers this: "It's not me... Must be you." No, I didn't type that wrong.

Guys, here's a tip for you, if you EVER want to have any hope of a successful dating life you never, ever, let me repeat NEVER tell a girl your 'issues' didn't show up until she did. I assure you, the internet has nothing on that girl at that point. That will be out there on the air waves so fast it would've made Chuck Yeager proud! And, yes, we'd be just as happy to see your butt strapped to a rocket engine.

So if I may offer this one sage piece of advice: when you're asked a simple question about your intentions and after a long silence filled only by the chirping of crickets you've got just 'let me think about it and we'll talk about it later', then do yourself a couple of favors... duck and think again. You didn't really think you invented that line did you? I don't know anyone (guy or gal) who likes to be left dangling at the end of a line and when it comes to country gals like me, we'll always opt to cut bait AND fish.

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