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Saturday, August 20, 2011

When is it right to...

When do you tell the kids about the person you're dating? This has been a dilemma from time to time for me and I'm sure it has for you as well, moms and dads alike.  I've been single for several years and although I've had a few relationships I have only introduced my kids to one person.  Now my kids are teenagers and perhaps I'm being a bit overprotective but I feel like that's a step that should not be taken lightly.  

After dating someone for a couple of months I decided it was settling in and time to introduce the kids.  I had already met his kids - at THEIR request (they were teens too).  Feeling like I was kinda in a corner I ignored my instincts, bit the bullet and told mine I was dating someone.  Of course my daughter looked at me with the great big "well duh" look.  I'm guessing the fact that I'd been in a better than usual mood gave me away.

I even changed my Facebook status to "in a relationship". I had no idea my personal life was of such interest.  You know your love life sucks when you get responses like "Wow, you're really dating someone?" or "Congratulations", or my personal favorite "It's about time".

But what goes up must come down and with me what comes down usually rolls downhill like a boulder down the Grand Canyon.  After the 'getting to know you' phase it seemed like everything was going just fine... Right up to the point I found out the man I thought now had my heart also had various parts of other women too if you know what I mean!  (Remember the earlier blog about catching the cheating boyfriend on a dating website?) That was him.   Of course my only consolation out of that whole ordeal was the old saying "If they did it with you, they'll do it to you" so buyer beware on that one ladies.

Less than one month after meeting him I had to tell the kids he was history.  And I won't even mention the Facebook comments when I changed my status back to single! Although, I swear I think some people probably had a pool going but I never heard who won the bet! 

So, my single saddle pals, you know how a colt gets when you don't pay attention to it and work it often enough? He thanks you by placing you squarely in the middle of the round pen on the seat of your Wranglers looking at you as if to say "Remember me now?".  Well, same thing's true about instincts.  If we don't pay attention to them, we can just as easily land on our Wranglers rather than our boots.

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