Well another weekend has seen the dawn of a beautiful Sunday. Sunday is my favorite day of the week. It's as full of promise as Saturday night is full of s**t. It's so disheartening sometimes being on the singles scene. You know the saying feeling like the air went out of a balloon? That's right. Of course if that's the case it probably means it was just a lot of hot air in the first place.
For me, I refuse to settle. I know somewhere out there is a guy who can appreciate me for who I am and what I have to offer. I haven't found the right pasture gate yet but I'll keep riding the fence line til I do. My nails aren't done and my hands are calloused from the work I do but that just means they're strong enough to hold you at the end of a bad day. I don't have the Farrah Fawcett face but my eyes will always be wide open to you. My frame is tiny but muscled with a strength more than physical.
Living in the country I think gives you the opportunity to see more clearly than in the city in more ways than one. So for you wannabes out there, be careful. We can spot a new pair of Wranglers a mile away so if you're gonna dress the part you better have the boots to back it up. And remember guys - telling a lady you're looking for a 'buddy' or a 'friend', we know is actually code for there's a redhead somewhere online that suddenly appeals to you.
My advice is, I can tell you now, if you continue to look for only what a picture has to offer rather than the person you're going to end up with an empty photograph and a empty life (and photographs fade).
Amen sister