Ladies, I have a question for you: When you're out at a club do you always wait for a guy to ask you to dance or do you do the asking? I know times have changed but I'm still a little old-fashioned so I prefer the guy ask. This can get a little sticky though.
One thing I've observed is through the course of the night an odd thing happens (more than one depending on where you're at). Early in the night it looks like a jr high prom; everyone standing around, staring at one another, sipping their refreshments. As the night wears on and so does the alcohol I believe there could be an actual mathematical equation calculated that would show the amount of activity on the dance floor is in direct proportion to the amount of activity at the bar.
On occasion I've just stood back and watched the people around me, trying to assess their situation not to mention their inebriated status to see what they're going to do. For one thing, if a girl is surrounded by a entourage a guy is much less apt to ask her to dance unless half of them are already holding her up. A lone wolf is much easier prey. And I just love it when a crowd of guys send 1 of their own to the front line with a six year old's cry of 'I DARE YOU!' Those rarely end well.
Well, now that you're on the dance floor another dilemma rears its ugly head. Just who's leading this thing? You suddenly realize you're going to come off the floor with arms 2 inches longer than when you went on it if you don't do something. So you gently try to backlead, holding yourself at bay just slightly. Unfortunately he caught on and informs you that HE is leading and knows what HE is doing. Promptly thereafter you find he's exuberantly flung you halfway across the dancefloor. My advice here: LOOK FOR AN OFF RAMP.
I suppose it's all about courage in oneself or, lacking that, liquid courage. And who hasn't had a shot or 12 of that?! Yes, including me. As for me, I prefer to be asked by someone who is relatively sober (less likely to fall), has manners (less likely to fling) and a firmer handshake than mine (less likely to dance fail). Then again, waiting on all of this may be why I don't get asked much.
Here's to finding your new dance partner... You never know where that dance might lead.
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