I think guys are more 'visually' stimulated when first meeting someone making them ironically visually impaired because while they know they're not perfect deep down they really do want a woman who is closer than they are. But isn't that what we ALL want? Problem is we have to decide how far back from the mirror we want to stand to see what we want to see.
I know we've all done it. We've stood back from the mirror admiring our reflection from a distance (aka the honeymoon distance) and thought "Wow that looks good" so we get closer and suddenly we see what we didn't want to see (post-honeymoon distance). So what do we do? We close our eyes, convince ourselves there's something wrong with the mirror, and then look again, carefully through a squinted eye. Aww, there, it's gone now (second honeymoon)... Whether it's that extra weight we thought was there a minute ago, or those few more noticeable gray hairs. What we don't want to realize is - it was there all along we just needed a closer look.
Now let's take that and apply it to our relationship quest. Admit it, we've done it there too. We've gone out with someone who at first glance looked adorable, charming and, well, perfect (honeymoon). Then we get closer to the mirror and realize maybe they're not all that perfect (post-honeymoon); so again, we close our eyes, convince ourselves there's something wrong with the mirror, and look again... Nope still not perfect. What? Wait. What do you mean 'not perfect'. That can't be right. I want that second honeymoon!
Well, it's not right but it is life. I mean come on. Do we really, really want perfect? Gees think how hard that would be to keep up with. So that's where the 'two faces' comes in. While we THINK we want perfect, if we stand still long enough to thoroughly look at what the reflection is telling us we would see that what we're really looking for is someone who can reflect back our own good parts while deflecting the not-so-good ones. Now that would be a real vision of beauty.
The moral of today's story is: While we may look in a fitting room or bathroom mirror to evaluate our appearance, the mirror for evaluating others is a reflection that bounces off ourselves. What do YOU want to see?
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