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Monday, October 10, 2011


Oh, those silly pollsters.  I'd like to know where they find these people who come up with these polls.  Really. I heard yet another doozy this morning... "3 Best Places to Find Mr. Right Other than a Bar". It read like a David Letterman Top 10 List gone real bad: 1) Church; 2) Your job; and 3) Your home. Wait. What? Yes, that's right. 

Now, I agree church is a good place to meet good people - the only thing there you have to be cautious about is whether it's someone being good or someone just on their good behavior. But the other 2 are a total head scratcher.  I know there are a lot of work place romances (I've seen plenty between law firms and ranches both) but I just don't know that I agree that the work place is the BEST place. I mean it's one thing to participate in the water cooler gossip but it's totally another to BE the water cooler gossip.  And my opinion is if it's office vs online, I'd much rather find someone on email than office mail any time.

But, how about the third one - 'your home'. Before they clarified that, I had visions of guys popping out of my closet like a jack-in-the-box or something - not bad if one of them is Brad Pitt.  But, apparently, what they mean is throw a party, invite your single friends and have them bring a single friend. Anyone besides me see the comedy of errors in that one? First off, if you have enough single friends to throw a party at your house, then why would you throw a party at your house... they're called BARS! 

So, yet again, it appears they've decided to promote a poll that had to have been conducted by people who are not single and haven't mingled since "single and ready to mingle" was actually a cool statement. And that my friends was a very, very long time ago.  

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