Well, I must say it's been an interesting 24-hour period. I swear my dating life is like the weather in Texas; if I don't like the way it is right now, give it a hour and it'll change (usually for the worse)! You know how there are coaches for everything nowadays? Life coaches, career coaches, love coaches - you get the picture. Here's one for you: a COURTESY COACH. Wait, over here, adjust your binoculars for a better view. That's it - keep looking... keep looking... a little more left... Can you see me now? The person jumping up and down on that soap box like she's Tigger's first cousin is me.
Where was I? Oh, yeah, courtesy coach. Seriously, that could be a huge field of opportunity and most of the clients would be men. Hey, that tomato you just chunked was perfectly good! I said 'most'. I know that saloon door swings both ways. I'm speaking a little more in specifics at the moment. Specifically, about some things I've witnessed disappearing lately.
What do you mean 'what the hell's a courtesy coach? Well, I guess first of all, if you ask it like that, then you should probably get a first-time client's discount. I don't know about you but I prefer the good ole days, the days when courtesy wasn't as rare as an undercooked steak. You know what I mean; the days when a gentleman caller did just that - HE CALLED WHEN HE SAID HE WOULD. (And if he didn't he had the courtesy to at least tell a plausible lie.) I mean it, common courtesy has officially become UNcommon.
It's simple guys. If you say you're going to call and don't might I suggest staying away from the old "I was busy working and couldn't get to my phone." That one went out with the rotary dial telephone and the advent of the internet. Yes, someone did this to me and yes, I busted him. If you tell ME that one and we found each other online, you can bet that's the first place I'm going to look for you. Here's how we think: if you have time to go online, you have time to call and/or text. And there's that courtesy thing I'm preaching about!
So the moral of the story today is "If you want to catch us, call. If you want to keep us, care."
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