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Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Sometimes being single and dating is like being on a merry go round that someone else is pushing - it's fun for a bit but then you start feeling sick to your stomach and everything's a blur... That's when it becomes the 'marry' go round.  So could someone please let me off this ride?! It's spinning faster than Tony Stewart's back tires!  

I know we've all felt the urge to bail off that dating merry go round like a stuntman from the Dukes of Hazard from time to time. But for some reason, once the world stops swimming before our eyes and our stomachs stop lurching we jump right back on.  When it comes to adults on a merry go round - I've seen smarter 6 year olds on a playground!

Watching a crowded restaurant or bar is rather like watching merry go rounds. Someone starts out at one table, making their way around it, then they eventually segway to another, then another, until they find the merry go round with just the right speed and an empty slot. It's interesting how much you can learn watching and listening to total strangers.  One night, I overheard someone at a table near me at a restaurant remark "I'm glad I'm married but sometimes I think I'd like to sample what's on another menu." Trust me, not you don't. That's how people get food poisoning! 

I actually knew someone who caught her boyfriend out to dinner with someone else and rather than causing a scene, made him a nice meal the next evening complete with dessert... All I can tell you is, if you're cheating and you come home to a nice meal, make sure what you're dipping your strawberries in is ONLY chocolate.

So if you're like me and you feel as if you're on that same proverbial merry go round, take my advice, it's a lot easier to enjoy the scenery if you're not moving in circles at the speed of light.

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